Therapy Startup Real正在为BIPOC和盟友提供免费的每周小组会议


真实的先前启动对人民真实帮助个体应对增长的COVID-19大流行。After noticing a need for these virtual services for BIPOC, the therapy startup expanded its initiative to include free weekly group sessions specifically for Black women, people of color and allies of all backgrounds and identities to let them vent, connect and grieve about everything that’s currently happening in the world.

“Our goal for all of Real is to build care that helps people most effectively and to provide care that reaches individuals beyond those who today’s therapy model speaks to," Ariela Safira, Founder and CEO of Real, tells us. “In the case of Real to the People, that means doing so during times of crisis and gathering learnings and feedback on what care is effective, and what care people want to be a part of during such heightened times.”


萨菲拉说:“黑人社区一直面临种族的不公正和警察的野蛮行为,持续了太长时间,也受到当前大流行的影响不成比例的。”“We needed to create a dedicated space for Black womxn and people of color to grieve and process everything that is happening in an environment they feel safe in. For allies, it’s important to provide a supportive space to discuss mental health at this time, and techniques for personal growth toward becoming anti-racist and understanding trauma.”

6月份的支持会议包括真实的故事,真实的痛苦:黑色womxn的免费小组治疗,真正的X拔下插头集体:针对年轻黑人womxn +性别表达的人的免费小组治疗,真实的故事,真实的痛苦:对人的免费小组治疗颜色与增长和盟友:盟友的免费小组治疗。



