在大流行期间,您是否坚持去看医生(由于无关的原因)?你不是一个人。根据美国医学协会(AMA)有40%以上的调查人员表示,他们在大流行的早期就跳过了医疗服务。一个医疗领域没有看到病人凉爽吗?鸡蛋冷冻。美国没有组织收集有关鸡蛋冷冻的国家数据,但是时间杂志在2021年1月发现,美国主要城市的54个诊所独立地报告说,冻结卵的妇女的数量同比同比增长 - 一年中大流行肆虐。关键是,对于有可能影响生育能力或想要延迟的医疗问题的人们来说,鸡蛋冻结正成为越来越受欢迎的选择怀孕由于其他原因。要了解该过程的基础知识 - 从冻结鸡蛋到产生健康的婴儿的可能性是多少 - 我们与之交谈洛拉·沙希(Lora Shahine)博士,医学博士,西雅图太平洋西北生殖的生殖内分泌学家和主人婴儿或胸围’播客。

有关的:28不舒服的问题,您和您的伴侣 *有 *在生孩子之前互相问



Dr. Shahine tells us that anyone facing medical issues that may harm fertility (like cancer treatment or surgery for endometriosis) and anyone who wishes to delay childbearing for any reason—whether they haven’t found the right partner or they’re focusing on their career—should think about freezing their eggs if they think they’re going to want children at some point.


Shahine博士强调:“如果您在癌症治疗或其他健康问题之前冻结,越早越好。”“If you’re freezing for fertility preservation to delay pregnancy for other reasons, there is no one perfect age: the younger you freeze eggs the higher quality and chance of success but the lower likelihood you’ll use them, and the older you freeze eggs the lower quality and increased need to freeze more eggs for success but the more likely you will need them.” She points to studies—like皇家产科医生和妇科医生学院的研究人员的这一研究人员- 在分析鸡蛋冷冻的成本效益之后,表明您的30年代中期可能是平衡成本,成功以及将来可能使用或需要使用或需要鸡蛋的最佳时间。




Dr. Shahine tells us that it’s impossible to say exactly how good your chances are of having a live birth as a result of egg freezing, but emphasizes that success is dependent on factors like the age at which the eggs are frozen (younger eggs have a higher chance of success), how many eggs are frozen and the experience and quality of the IVF lab you choose. She recommends using这个鸡蛋冷冻计算器从哈佛医学院的医生那里,您可以插入年龄和鸡蛋数量,并估算预测的活产数。


毫不奇怪,冻结鸡蛋的成本取决于许多因素,您选择的诊所以及您决定进行鸡蛋取回的次数所需的药物量(因为您冻结的鸡蛋越多,就更好的机会将来去使用它们时成功。Still, Dr. Shahine says that the most commonly quoted number is $5,000 to $10,000, but urges that folks interested in the process should ask what that fee covers, since sometimes it doesn’t take into account medication or storage costs, which, if not covered, can cost $500 to $600 per year.


