Bowls with different adaptogenic powders and herbs baibaz/Getty Images

The Ultimate Guide to Adaptogens, the Buzzy Wellness Trend You’re About to See Everywhere

Being healthy is trendier than ever. And while we’re not one to blindly follow fads (looking at you,intermittent fasting), lately we’ve been seeing adaptogens popping up everywhere—from our favorite juice bars to our Instagram feed. (And OK, we’re curious.) Here’s everything you need to know about these so-called super herbs.

What Are Adaptogens, Anyway?

Green adaptogen powder in a drink Rimma_Bondarenko/Getty Images

Adaptogens are a special group of herbs, mushrooms and roots that are taken over a long period of time in order to help your body cope with physical and mental stress. The name comes from their supposed ability to “adapt” their function, depending on what the body needs. And while you may have only started hearing about them recently, adaptogens have actually been used for hundreds of years in inAyurvedicand Chinese medicine.Find out more about these special plants here.

Health Benefits

Woman sitting in yoga pose on floor PeopleImages/Getty Images

Adaptogens are thought to provide a host of health benefits, and scientists all over the world are studying the herbs’ ability to boost energy levels, balance hormones and soothe inflammation. Different adaptogens can help your body cope with different ailments—here are four of the most popular adaptogens and how to use them.

Ashwagandha balls
MariaShumova/Getty Images


Looking to chill out? Pronouncedash-wa-gone-duh, this woody shrub has been shown toreduce cortisol levels(aka “the stress hormone”) and reduce anxiety. The most common way to take ashwagandha is in powder form, but it tastes slightly bitter, so you’ll definitely want to mix it up with other ingredients. (Don’t worry, we’ve got some great recipes below.)

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Rhodiola adaptogen pills on plate


This adaptogenic herb (also known as “golden root”) is grown in the arctic areas of Eastern Europe and Asia, and is known for its fatigue-fighting effects and ability to boost mental performance. Taken in capsule or tablet form,one Swedish studyfound that it increased the ability to concentrate while another study published in theJournal of Strength and Conditioning Researchfound that it improved endurance.

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Spoon full of maca powder
bhofack2/Getty Images


You may already have come across this Peruvian root vegetable—maca powder can be found in most health sections of the grocery store and in any juice bar worth its greens. Its purported list of benefits includesenergy boosting, hormone balancingandlibido-revving(没错,是真的)。虽然有someevidence to back these claims up, what wedoknow is that maca’s nutty, butterscotch-esque taste makes it a delicious addition to any smoothie, oatmeal or yogurt.

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Small mushrooms that looks like cordyceps adaptogens


Looking to knock a couple minutes off your running PB?This funky mushroom (it’s called this because it, um, grows on the backs of caterpillars)could help boost your endurance and stamina by reducing the amount of oxygen the body needs when exercising, nutritionistLorraine Kearneytells us. There’s also some evidence that this functional mushroom hasanti-inflammatory effects. These mushrooms grow in the mountain regions of China, but there’s no need to trek there to try them—you can find cordyceps tablets at vitamin stores.

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Beauty Tricks

Adaptogenic beauty products and bottles Artfully79/Getty Images

的人过一个巨大的青春痘出现of a big work presentation knows that stress can be pretty terrible for your complexion. Which is why many brands are turning to adaptogenic ingredients to even out discoloration, protect skin from the elements and add hydration from head to toe. From moisturizers to shampoo, here arethe adaptogen-infused beauty productsto get on your radar.

How to Cook with Adaptogens

Woman crushing adaptogenic ingredients in pestal and mortar AndreyCherkasov/Getty Images

Adaptogens come in many different forms, including pills, powders and tinctures. And while many can be taken on their own, we think that the most delicious way to try them is to incorporate them intosome seriously beautiful recipes.

Heart Beet Kitchen

Pink Moon Milk

This bedtime drink made with soothing ashwagandha gets its gorgeous color from cherry juice (a known sleep aid).


Local Milk Blog

Coconut Cacao Bliss Balls

These delightful bites are loaded with nutritious ingredients—including the adaptogenic mushroom reishi—so you shouldn’t feel bad about eating two (or three).


Sweet Potato Maca Soup

Next time a blustery day comes along, balance your hormones and warm up with a bowl of this creamy soup.


Where to Buy Them

Woman holding out adaptogen supplements in her hand Tijana87/Getty Images

PureWow Coterie member Lauryn Evarts(the boss woman behind popular websiteThe Skinny Confidential)loves to get her adaptogensfrom Los Angeles shopMoon Juice, which also has an extensive online shop.Sun Potionis another popular online destination for adaptogens.

Before You Try…

Pregnant woman at doctors office FatCamera/Getty Images

Adaptogens are generally considered to be safe, nutritionistChelsea Williamstells us. But you should always check with a doctor before adding them into your diet, as some can interact negatively with certain medications and conditions.
