6 Things You Can Do to Support Gun Control Legislation Right Now

When you're lost for words, afraid of becoming numb to unspeakable tragedies that have become normalized and unceasing, sometimes the only way forward is to put your head down and get to work. But what can you do? Even if you're feeling powerless, here are six things you can doright nowto support gun control legislation.

1.Show Your Support for the Assault Weapons Ban

The Assault Weapons Ban of 2121-22 (H.R.1808) has passed the House and is off to the Senate. This would ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and other high-capacity ammunition feeding devices, as well as require that grandfathered assault weapons be stored using a secure gun storage or safety device like a trigger lock.Find out more about the ban here. To make sure this essential legislation gets voted on, send a message to your Senator and let them know you support banning assault weapons.

2. Download theMoms Demand Action App

Moms Demand Actionis a grassroots movement with chapters in every state that promotes public safety measures that protect people from gun violence. Their Demand Action app helps you become an active volunteer, reminding you about upcoming events and how to take local action and keep up with latest news and progress.

3. Join the枪Sense Action Network(from home)

Want to give your time?The Gun Sense Action Networkis a group of dedicated volunteers who spend an hour each week working to pass key gun sense policies and grow their volunteer base all from their own homes. Their GSAN voter outreach team “focuses on our highest priority battles at the federal level to enact lifesaving policies like background checks, red flag laws and accountability for police brutality.” Their volunteer outreach team calls new signups to join the gun violence protection movement.

4. FollowThe NRA Moneyand Vote Accordingly

From primaries to elections, make sure candidates you support aren't supported in turn by the NRA.See which federal candidates(of all parties) have received money from the National Rifle Association.

5.Show Your Support for Universal Background Checks

Requiring background checks for every firearm sale is a measuresupported by the vast majority of Americans, and yet leaders in Congress have yet to pass this common sense law. March for Our Lives is calling on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to bring universal background checks to the Senate floor for a vote and you can show your support by signing the petition to demand change.
