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皇家专家和共同作者寻找自由omid scobie掉了下来Royally痴迷于播客本周(听全集这里)与我聊天,我的联合主持罗伯塔Fiorito关于哈里和梅根纪念的周年纪念日奥普拉温弗瑞的爆炸采访这是在2021年3月播出的,这是如何影响这本书的期望。

“I’ve been told by sources that Harry really is going out of his way to make sure that there isn’t material in there that could be seen as negative toward the queen or her reign in any way whatsoever and he really wants to celebrate her life and his relationship with her in that book,” Scobie says. “I think as much as the press wants this to be a burn book and an attack on the institution, [Harry’s memoir] is more just about his story—and of course, there’s a lot more to it than the few years of his life as the Duke of Sussex.”

Scobie adds that, at this point, any info on the book is being heavily guarded: “Even those working directly on this project still don’t know the contents of it—they’re doing an incredible job of keeping it secret for as long as possible.” Something Scobie does know is that the book has sold incredibly well in territories beyond the U.S., U.K. and Commonwealth, even without any info about it, which demonstrates the level of interest world-wide in what Harry has to say.


从我们采访omid Scobie,聆听royaly痴迷的播客与共同主机Rachel Bowie和Roberta Fiorito。现在订阅或在Instagram上关注我们@royallyobsessedpodcast.



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