梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)哈里王子正在响黑人历史月以最好的方式。

苏塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人最近,通过参加其中一个虚拟课程,旨在提高儿童识字率的诗歌组织Get Lit的一些学生感到惊讶 - 可以肯定地说这些孩子是不是准备。

On their official Instagram account, Get Lit shared a screenshot from the event and wrote, "We’ve saved the best for last! Guess who surprised our poetry class this weekend?! It was the best weekend EVER! Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, were magic and kind and interested in poetry! The Duchess even shared some of her favorite poetry lines. We are so grateful for their visit in honor of Black History Month. It goes down as most epic experience in Get Lit history!!!"

在屏幕截图中,马克尔(Markle)和哈里王子(Prince Harry)都与诗歌学生交谈时都很微笑,而鹰眼的歌迷也会在宽敞的地方认识到熟悉的装饰客厅,其中包括一个华丽的壁炉及其“我爱你,加利福尼亚”海报

在Instagram上,Get Lit的公共外展经理梅森·格兰杰(Mason Granger)也公开了这对皇家夫妇的惊喜访问。他共享同一张照片和wrote, "Soooo Prince Harry and Meghan dropped into my poetry class on Saturday and kicked it with the Get Lit Players for a multitude of minutes. My favorite part of it all was Meghan echoing so many sentiments we’ve talked about in class, about this particular moment in time/history to be a young person and the ripple effect of a single voice. The root of them deciding to come is because at some point in their lives, they were moved by a poem."

根据他们的说法官方网站,《 Get Lit》成立于2006年,灵感来自一场关于书籍力量的单人节目。活动结束后,莱恩(Lane)开始与三所高中合作,并向几个学生教授诗歌。从那以后,她和她的团队与100多所学校合作。


通过订阅梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)的所有事物保持最新状态这里

有关的:哈利王子在离开演出之前拜访了梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)


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