

拉斯维加斯释放了赔率关于谁最终将坐在铁王位上,或者如果它最终被野火或龙火吞噬,那么最终的王位 - 最喜欢的几率可能会让您感到惊讶。不是乔恩·斯诺。这不是丹妮莉丝·塔加里安(Daenerys Targaryen)。这不是提利昂·兰尼斯特,塞西·兰尼斯特或海梅·兰尼斯特。

这是三眼的乌鸦:麸皮·史塔克(Bran Stark)。

布兰不仅是最爱。他是个重的根据拉斯维加斯的最爱。从一点点角度来看,根据拉斯维加斯,第二个最有可能的统治者是乔恩·斯诺(Jon Snow)。如果您在乔恩(Jon)上赌100美元,您最终会赢得600美元。如果您在Bran上赌100美元,您最终只会赢得66美元。

According to Vegas odds, there’s a 66 percent chance Bran will end up ruling Westeros, and assuming they don’t have inside information (because if they knew the answer definitively you’d think they’d just take Bran off the board completely), there’s only one reason they might consider the odds so heavily stacked in Bran’s favor: If you place a wager on Bran, you’re getting two characters for the price of one…because Bran is the Night King.



Now, the theory isn’t that the man who had the dragonglass dagger plunged into his heart is grown-up Bran, the theory is that sometime in the past Bran attempted to warg into the Night King (presumably to try and stop him from doing something horrible). We’ve seen him do this before. When Bran did this to his trusty companion it caused irreparable damage, but Bran was able to escape and come back to the present.

But if he hadn’t come back and if he “stayed underwater and drowned” like the old Three-Eyed Raven warned him was possible, perhaps it would have been the opposite that occurred with Bran taking control of a fully functional Hodor in the past, leaving his present-day body rendered a shell of its former self.

请记住上个赛季,这本质上就是布兰的成就。他不再对自己的旧名字做出回应,他不再认为自己是鲜明的,他不再认为他有任何身份。基本上,他是一个贝壳,是一个百科全书。因此,也许契据已经完成。也许温特费尔的布兰登·史塔克(Brandon Stark)还没有死,但已经生活在其他人的身体内部:夜王。



这个消息 - 但只有有趣的东西 -