眨眼,你可能错过了它:在奥普拉温弗里特别适合哈里王子和梅吉·马克,很多下巴细节在2020年1月回到官方出口之前,他们在皇室分享了他们的生活。仍然,我们忍不住专注于可爱 - 而且令人痛苦的倾向于他们的谈话背景:Archie's Chick Inn。

It was the only glimpse that we got of the Montecito property in Santa Barbara, California, which the pair bought for millions last year after relocating from the U.K. to Canada and finally settling down in L.A. (Oprah confirmed herself that, even though she’s neighbors with the Sussexes, they borrowed a friend’s house to shoot the special, which aired last weekend on CBS.)

这意味着阿奇的Chick Inn是我们唯一进入新世界的窗口。它也成为了一些哈利和梅根最大的背景(但也许令人不那么震惊)的启示 - 就像这样的事实麦格实际上娶了哈利王子私下在温莎城堡的公共仪式前几天,或者梅根感受到了一个隐秘的亲属关系来自迪士尼的阿里尔小美人鱼在认识到这一点后,就像自己一样,阿里尔已经嫁给了王子并失去了声音。

But this chicken coop—playfully run by Archie—and home to several hens that were rescued from a factory farm, was full of optimism and representative of the couple’s efforts to “get back down to basics” (as Meghan described) as they work to build their new post-royal life. The sign even read, “established 2021.” When Oprah pressed Meghan on the chicken coop, she quite simply explained: “I just love rescuing.”

当然,我们还有很多问题。对于一个,*是* Archie在管理这个Chick Inn的角色?(他五月转了2,所以清楚他很可能会参加并帮助他的父母一点。)也,谁在聪明的名字后面?(其他人都在观看和思考,“辉煌。无论谁想到那就应该得到加强。”)


有关的:Royal News Roundup:令人震惊的采访,皇家反应和每个人都支持梅根



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