索非亚·克劳沙尔(Sofia Kraushaar)

多亏了Covid,股票市场才是过山车,经济处于自由下落。(根据CNBC, while the unemployment rate hit 8.4 percent in August—a number on par with the Great Depression—it’s more likely 11 percent, due to data collection issues.) So, what’s the best way to temper the panic and save your money wisely (without stuffing wads of cash under your mattress)? We caught up with Sallie Krawcheck, a former Wall Street executive and the CEO and co-founder ofEllevest这是一个针对女性的数字优先投资平台,谈论大流行期间的投资规则(并提前出现)。






Krawcheck坚持认为,投资必须来自您能负担不起几年无法接触的资金。她还拥有一个清单,旨在帮助您知道是否/何时处于财务状况。首先,您还清了高息债务吗?她说:“如果您在过去几年中必须购买/想要购买的所有东西,请不要来我投资25%的利率。”“您必须首先还清,因为它正在减少您的财务状况。”接下来,将您的401(k)作为优先事项。“如果有一场比赛,而您没有利用它,那就是在桌子上留下免费的钱,” Krawcheck补充说。最后,建立该应急基金。“您想在储蓄帐户中拥有3到6个月的带回家薪水,直到紧急情况下您才触摸。检查了所有这些框后,您可以专注于可以长期留在股票市场的投资。”




“If you’ve been negatively impacted by the pandemic where you took a 10 percent salary cut, but you’ve paid off your credit card debt, haven’t had to dip into your emergency fund and your company is going to be fine, I’d say, fine, keep investing,” Krawcheck says. “But if you lost your job and are halfway through your emergency fund, then you have to stop investing right now.” Instead, she recommends getting your expenses as low as you can and feeding any savings back into your emergency fund. “It all depends on personal circumstances, but what you don’t want to do is invest money you think you’re going to need before 10 years in the stock market. If that means, in a pandemic, you have to pull back to prioritize your emergency fund and you miss a big stock market move, so what?” Krawcheck says it’s also OK to reduce your 401(k) contributions. “What you want to keep an eye on is how much money you have sitting in the bank to call on if you lose your job or if your hours get cut.”


