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与您82岁的婆婆进行的一些对话是一场爆炸。She dishes on the latest gossip in her senior living facility (like how Ruthie G. didn’t save a seat for Ruthie B. on the bus to the symphony…*smirk*), and you get a kick out of how she instructs you to roast a turkey while seamlessly integrating stories about Great Aunt Sally from back in the day. But some conversations are…tougher. They’re the ones that might signal the beginning of a role reversal or significant changes in your lives. Below, we highlight three uncomfortable but important conversations adult children should have with their aging parents—and how to broach the difficult subject matter with grace.


它为什么如此重要?安全。如果有可能不安全行驶的可能性可能会伤害自己或他人,那么这是必不可少的,虽然经常会感到烦恼。“For many older adults,” says Susan K. Whitbourne, faculty fellow at the Institute of Gerontology UMass Boston and expert in aging, “the ability to drive represents a sense of independence and autonomy, as well as validation of the individual’s cognitive abilities.” For this reason,Sanam Hafeez博士哥伦比亚大学的神经心理学家和教职员工警告说,不要命令严厉的命令。避免使用“您不再允许开车”之类的短语,然后尝试更多的事情“我们可以一起设计一个计划以替代运输吗?”


它为什么如此重要?您的父亲每天凌晨5点醒来40年,开设了他的商店,从未抱怨他的一天。现在,他终于可以从退休的好处中获得好处(您知道,凌晨5:30醒来)。但是,在回答了一条奇怪的短信之后,您善意的父亲的救生几乎消失了。祖父母欺诈是真实的,人民,惠特伯恩认为这是与老年人进行的前三名对话之一。根据AARP,从2015年到2020年,FTC记录了91,000多个骗子作为受害者的亲戚或朋友的报道。这只是针对老年人的一种欺诈行为。Since no one wants to feel like an easy target or stupid for falling for such schemes, use phrasing that emphasizes how believable these types of scams can be, like, “Scammers use sophisticated tactics and it’s important that we both learn how to spot the red flags.”




