


专博斯泰西·刘易斯感觉零羞”的庆祝,记录她的婴儿的粘糊糊的獠牙。她写道:5月我女儿的第一个生日,我带一卷她的裸体的照片。那天晚上,我发了一个她,在她所有的荣耀,在Facebook上。我发了这张照片后,我收到一个消息从我的妹妹。她不舒服。我甚至觉得她问我是否我意识到我已经发布了这张照片…凯莉阿姨,如果你读这篇文章,我的意思是它。我发布了这张照片,我很引以为豪的那些带着酒窝。但是,我认为你不太满意我现在,因为我上传一遍。与快乐!现在如果您不想看到的照片最可爱的婴儿的屁股。 Like my sister, many people feel uncomfortable with public displays of naked babies...Here’s what I think: no big deal. My parents posted a naked photo of me on the wall in our hallway. As a girl, I begged them to take mine down because I was embarrassed. They refused. As rightly they should have. It is a baby photo! It’s not one of me naked at 14 years old. Some people are frightened that some nebulous pervert will a get ahold of the photo. I just don’t see that happening. Fears and reality are two different things. I’m not prepared to let a vague fear control whether my friends and relatives get a glimpse of my daughter’s adorable tush. Besides, there are privacy settings on Facebook. Use them if you feel the need. What bothers me most about this side of the argument is how it implies that a baby’s body is in some way obscene. I feel the total opposite. There is nothing more divine in the world. It’s time we stopped allowing our fears to dictate how we celebrate the most beautiful people in the world to us.”

写律师Aditi Mukherji家庭法律博客FindLaw”,而违反父母赤裸的婴儿照片是一种相对较新的现象全面法律灰色地带…有父母被捕事件发布的照片,他们的孩子的,我们说,脱衣。令人不安的是,许多所谓的“有罪”的照片可能不提高红旗对于许多(如果不是大多数)父母特别是如果他们只是沐浴时的照片或艺术拍照。例如,一个犹他州夫妇控性剥削的未成年人之后,警方称,孩子的母亲拍照的父亲性侵犯他们婴儿的儿子。调查人员确定后的指控最终被撤销的图像实际上是无害的post-bath-time照片。类似的折磨发生在亚利桑那的夫妇。有一些这样的情况下在过去的几年中,尽管大多数指控最终被撤销,伤害到父母的声誉和工作完成。经验法则:如果照片调情与虐待儿童或危害或远程似乎容易被误解为儿童色情,不采取或分享这些照片。“法律专家还建议应该用拍照的方式或者是共享的,腰部以下永远。
