Apple TV+/遣散


也许你想遣散是一个令人震惊的昏迷在现代企业生活的“生存恐惧”中。也许你认为是无法以自己的前提交付的高概念schlock。无论哪种方式,都不可否认的是,亚当·斯科特(Adam-Scott-Scott)备用的本·斯蒂尔(Ben-Stiller)指导的9集表演(现在正在播放Apple TV+) is thoroughly addictive, starting with the premise itself: Employees at the mysterious Lumon undergo a medical procedure to “sever” their brains, such that their outside-of-work-selves (outies) can’t remember anything about their inside-of-work-selves (innies) and vice versa.

But while the internet is awash in theories about WTF is going on at Lumon, or who is doing what over in O&D, after watching the six episodes currently available, I can’t stop thinking about why we haven’t seen Helly’s outie…and what on earth she’s trying to achieve by sending her innie back to work each day. Here are my six theories, ranging from sort of plausible to totally bonkers.

1. Helly是Lumon Corporate Exec

We know that employees up and down the ladder drink the damn Kool-Aid (from Harmony’s creepy prayer shrine to Irving’s oddly poetic recitations of the employee handbook), so maybe Helly is somebody so bought in on both the company and the severance procedure on the outside, that’s she’s determined to teach her innie to learn compliance on the inside. Maybe she’s a high-ranking executive. (Or descendant of Kier Egan?) Maybe she, like the senator’s wife at the birthing center, is a political proponent of severance as a way to shield your “real” self from pain. Either way, as she tells her innie in her video message, “you are not a real person.” This sure seems like the sentiment of a person bought in on the message––a great metaphor, in the Bezos-era, of slowly realizing you’re a complicit member of an evil organization.

2. Helly基尔·埃根(Kier Egan)

Others have posited that the chip Harmony was so dead-set on extracting from Petey’s brain was, in fact, his entire being or memories––that the severance procedure essentially downloads your work self to a drive, which is then owned by the company, with the ability to be reimplanted into any host later.如果这已经持续很长时间了,Keir Chip仍然活着,而且在Helly的Innie内部。这肯定会激励她将她的生命和内部的荧光灯隔开。





5. Helly是Mark的(没有死!)妻子


6. Helly被双重分辨,她的“中间Y”将她留在Lumon

背包了另一个reddit理论在这里,但是如果人们可以不止一次地切断人们,这样就有两个以上的版本?(The Redditer posits that the town is a simulacrum, with a store called “Midday”—essentially a place for middle selves to live.) What if Helly’s middle self, having no knowledge of her “real” life, is bought in on Lumon, prompting the innie to go back every day? OR, prompting her to try to break her self(ves) free? Crazy? Or just crazy enough to work…

有关的:HBO Max New Releass:四月要看的最佳节目和电影

